Personal information:

Patrice Roy is currently working as a computer technician at l' université the Québec to Montréal (UQÀM), where he gives support to the students of l'école of sciences de la gestion (ÉSG). He also gives presentations to students on Microsoft Office and the Internet.

Professional experiences:

Computer technician

1993 to today
Université the Québec to Montréal
Laboratoire d’informatique
École of sciences de la gestion

Manages a team of 6 computer technicians for the computer lab of the école des sciences de la gestion, séminaire SITel and other locations
Includes 16 rooms and over 600 computers
Manage reservations for the computer lab from teachers
Install software
Support to students

Virtual presenter

The training associates


*Give one hour presentations using GoToWebinar
*Gave 1 hour presentations to groups in France and Québec

Computer trainer

Séminaires informatique SITel
Université du Québec à Montréal


*Gives daytime and nightime presentation on:

*Introduction to Excel 2010
*Excel 2010 intermediate
*Excel 2010 advanced
*Introduction to PowerPoint 2010

Webmaster of some educational, sites

1994 to today

Designed some web sites that gives training material to students starting on Microsoft Office and the Internet in French and English. Some video training material also available.

Course trainer

UQÀM, September 1993 to 2008

Give demonstrations to groups of 20 to 50 students on Microsoft Office and the Internet.

Commis en informatique

1990 to1993
Université the Québec to Montréal

Maintenance of the computer lab and it's PCs
Support to students
Install software

Computer knowledge:

Adobe Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Photoshop
Cool edit pro, Audacity

Microsoft Office
Paint Shop pro 7
GotoWebinar, Skype

WinRAR, Winzip
Windows 8, 7, Vista


B.A.A. Management

D.E.C. Administration

D.E.S. Général

Université the Québec to Montréal

Cégep André-Laurendeau

Polyvalente d'Anjou

1986 -1991

1984 -1986

1981 -1984

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