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This site was created to give you some free learning material on Microsoft Office.
You can look up the free learning material under these links.
Welcome to site.
I'm Patrice Roy, the webmaster for this site. I've been giving computer demonstrations to university students on Office applications since 1993.
They loved my demos. But they always asked the same thing: "Do you have any notes we can keep as a reminder?". So I made some and handed them out. But then came another problem. Even the students who didn't come to my demos wanted them! I was paying for photocopies to give my notes to students! It was turning out to be crazy and expensive.
The Internet, and the World Wide Web, was just starting back then. Can anyone remember using Mosaic? That was well before Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox or Chrome? It started as an exercice to see if I could put my notes on the Web. It worked.
I had a small university account where I could put some Web pages. Students had access to them 24/7 and I could update my notes at any time. After a while, it became more than just notes. It was almost a book! With over 500 pages and 2 500 pictures detailing every step, it was more than just a manual. The students were using the info and loving it. Even some other departments learned about the site and put some links on their own Web pages.
Then, more and more people on the Net found the site and started using it to learn about Microsoft Office. I'm now getting thousands of users per day. It still needs some improvement. It always does. But I'm sure you'll learn a lot here. There's a lot more content available here than almost anywhere else.
The way the site works is easy. There's a short description of what the option or command covers followed by detailed instructions. These include pictures to see what you're suposed to see and what you can do. Every instruction you must follow is preceded by a red ball like this . After following these instructions, you'll be able to repeat them for your own work. Some options even have an exercice and learning videos!
Finding what you need on the site is also easy. The menu at the start of every page gives you the name of the sections (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access) and links to the pages of the section you're in. You can also use the search toolbar to look for content inside the site.
But you have to understand that the content of this site is only a starting point. You still have to learn a lot more to become an expert. You'll need a lot of time and effort to get there. But this site will help you to get on your way.
I truly hope you'll enjoy and learn from this site.
Patrice Roy
About Patrice Roy |