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Excel 2010 - The View tab


Workbook Views

Page Break Preview
Page Layout
Custom Views


Message Bar
Formula Bar


Zoom to Selection


New Window
Arrange All
Freeze Panes
View Side by Side
Synchonous Scrolling
Reset Window Position
Switch Windows


View Macros
Record Macro
Use Relative References


Excel 2007: Affichge-Introduction

Workbook Views

Excel 2007: Affichage-Affichage workbook



Excel 2007:Affichage-normal

This option will show your worksheet as you normaly see it when you open Excel.

Page Break Preview

Excel 2007: Affichage-Aperçu des sauts de page

This option will show your where the page breaks would be located if you ever decided to print your worksheet. You can arrange the width of the columns or the print size to match your need even before printing.

Page Layout

Excel 2007: Affichage-Mise en page

You can see your worksheet as it would look on paper; including the headers and the footers.

Custom Views

Excel 2007:Affichage-affichage personalisés

You can create many views for your worksheet (zoom, starting location...) and quickly change from one view to another.


Excel 2007:Affichage/Masquer

From the Show/Hide section, you can decide to show or hide some of Excel's options like the ruler, the gridlines, the formula bar or the headings.


Excel 2007:Affichage-Règle  


Excel 2007 : Affichage - bouton quadrillage

You can hide the gridlines if you want to see how your document will look on paper or the improve your documents presentation. But, it easier to work on a worksheet with the gridlines on.

Message Bar

Excel 2007:Affichage-Barre des messages


Formula Bar

Excel 2007 : Affichage: barre de formule

The formula bar is used to view the formula inside the cell. You can edit a formula directly from the formula bar. But, you can hide it for a short time to have more space to work.


Excel 2007 : Affichage - titre



Excel 2007:Affichage-Zoom

You can zoom in or out of a section of your worksheet. You can concentrate on a few cells or have a view of your entire worksheet to see how each section is placed.


Excel 2007:Affichage-zoom2

The zoom button allows you to have a better view by zooming in or out on a section of your worksheet.

Press the Zoom button.

Excel 2007-Affichage-zoom3

A new window will appear that will give you some zoom size option. You can personalize the size if you wish.

Note: The zoom maximum is 400%.

Select a zoom size and press the OK button.



Word 2007: Affichage-Zoom 100%

Returns the zoom to 100%, it's usual size.

Zoom to Selection

Excel 2007: Affichage-zoom sur la sélection

You can concentrate your view on a range of cells that you have previously selected.

There is also another way to access the zoom option. You will also find a zoom scalebar at the bottom right of the window.

You can use this bar whether your in normal, page break preview or page layout views. You can easily change the zoom on the screen.

Another option to quickly change the zoom is to press on the CTRL key and move the mouse's scroll wheel.


Excel 2007:Affichage-Fenbe


New Window

Excel2007 : Affichage -nouvelle fenetre


Arrange All

Excel2007 : Affichage - reorganiser tout


Freeze Panes

Excel 2007:Affichage-Figer the volets

This option will "freeze" part of your worksheet. This is very practical when you enter data but still want to see your titles located in the first rows and columns.


*Enter the text from the image to the left in the appropriate cells in a worksheet.
*Place the cursor in B4.


*From the tab View, in the Window group of commands, press the Freeze Panes button.

The button will offer you three options. The first, Freeze Panes, will fix to the screen all the rows above and to the left of the active cell, B4 in this case, will be frozen. The will always appear in the screen until you remove the panes. This is the option that is most often used.

The second option, Freeze the rows above, will only freeze the first three row that is shown to the screen. Those are the rows that are above the active cell.

The third option, Freeze the first column, will only fix the first column of your worksheet. That's where the titles are most often placed.

*For this exercise, select the option Freeze Panes.

You can now move throughout the worksheet knowing that the titles will be always be seen. It's easier to understand the content to a cell when you can you référer to of titles located above and to the left of the active cell.

*Press on the keys CTRL and Home.

This will you return the cursor to the first cell non-fixed cell of the worksheet. To remove this option:

*From the tab View, in the group of commands Window, press the Free panes button.


Excel 2007 : Affichage -fractionner



Excel 2007 : Affichage -masquer



Excel 2007:Afficher-Afficher


View Side by Side

Excel 2007:Affichage-Afficher côte à côte


Synchronous scrolling

Excel 2007: Affichage -Défilement synchrone


Reset Window Position

Excel 2007:Affichage-Rétablir la position de la fenbe   

Save Workspace

Excel 2007 : save l'space de travail


Switch Windows

Excel 2007:Affichage-Changement de fenbe

Excel allows you to open many worksheet at the same time. The switch windows option allows you to see the list of opened worksheet and to pass from one to another.


Excel 2007:Affichage-Macros


View Macros

Excel 2007:Affichage-Afficher the macros  

Record Macro

Excel 2007:Affichage-Enregistrer une macro


Use Relative References

Excel 2007:Affichage-Utiliser the eéférences relatives




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